Innovation - Quality
What is innovation if not the endless act of perfecting the unperfected? Progetto Relax has achieved this by efficiently reinventing every part of what makes a luxurious chair, drawing inspiration from every walk of life.
High End
Ensuring that every part of the production line is up to the highest possible standards, we stand above the competition in technique, finish and material. Guaranteeing a perfect chair designed and perfected by the brightest and newest innovators and designers.
Comfort is in the eye of the beholder. Comfort means many things but never the same, a challenge well accepted by our team. We don't design the perfect chair for anyone. Instead, we invented the ideal chairs for you. A wide range of chairs, all different from one another but all aiming to do the same, bring you comfort no matter your definition of the word.
figure Progetto Relax
Boundless comfort is achieved through innovation and trust. There is no equal to Progetto Relax. Shaking up the world of upholstery furniture, we pave the new way.
© ProgettoRelax 2022